On 8th July 2020 the Chancellor, as part of his plan for jobs, introduced the Kickstart Scheme. Initially this was only being offered to larger businesses who could create a minimum of 30 jobs and since its launch in September has created over 120,000 jobs. Earlier this month, thanks to a campaign from hundreds....
It can be difficult to keep track of the various coronavirus schemes available and when you need to take action to make sure you do not miss out. To help you, in this blog post we provide a timeline, in order of dates occurring soonest, some going right through to 2030. We also provide....
What is the CJRS Extension / Extended Furlough Scheme? On 5th November Rishi Sunak introduced CJRS.3. Despite the preparations and planning that went into the Job Support Scheme, which was due to start 4 days earlier and is now put on hold for the foreseeable future, the government announced this extension to the furlough....
Coronavirus: Job Retention Scheme Extension… On 31st October the Prime Minister announced that the Job Retention Scheme (JRS) would be extended for a further month. We are awaiting finalised information but currently available information is summarised below: The Job Support Scheme has been postponed and will be reviewed once the extended....
Coronavirus: Winter Economic Plan… Boris Johnson announced new coronavirus restrictions on Tuesday which could last six months. Following this announcement Chancellor Rishi Sunak delivered a statement on Thursday setting out plans to help workers and businesses hit by these new coronavirus restrictions. If you have any concerns, general queries, or specific questions on....
Coronavirus: Job Retention Scheme – Update.. On 29 May chancellor Rishi Sunak, announced changes to the rules affecting furlough, more formally known as, the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS). Flexible furloughing From 1 July 2020, there is the flexibility to bring previously furloughed employees back to work part-time – with....
Coronavirus: Sick Pay Rebate Scheme Opens 26 May… One of the longer acronyms emerging from the raft of new legislation to support businesses through the coronavirus pandemic, the CSSPRS, or Coronavirus Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme, will be going live in the next week. Claims are to be made through the CSSPRS....
Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Portal Open… HMRC opened the online Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) portal this morning, suggesting that once employers have claimed HMRC will pay the claim amount by BACS into their bank account within 6 working days. For detailed information on how to access the portal and details you....
Coronavirus: Working from Home… Sowerby, like many other firms, have been doing a lot more working from home since the start of the Covid-19 outbreak. Use of the acronym ‘WFH’ might have brought you confused looks a few weeks ago, but seems part of everyday language now. While that brings up a....
Coronavirus: Job Retention Scheme Live Date Announced… The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, called on HMRC to assist with delivering financial support to businesses during the coronavirus outbreak. One of the biggest measures introduced so far is the Covid-19 Job Retention Scheme (JRS) which is scheduled to go live later this month. HMRC have announced....