
It can be difficult to keep track of the various coronavirus schemes available and when you need to take action to make sure you do not miss out.   To help you, in this blog post we provide a timeline, in order of dates occurring soonest, some going right through to 2030. We also provide....

Coronavirus: Self Employed Income Support Scheme – Round 2…   While the first round of Self Employed Income Support Scheme (SEISS) grants is running to a close in the coming weeks, the scheme has been extended with a second (and final) round of grants scheduled to be made available in August.   This second round....

Coronavirus: Self Employed Income Support Scheme Update…     HMRC has begun contacting taxpayers who may be eligible for the Self-employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) this week. The communication received from HMRC includes instructions for when the claim portal opens.   Do not worry if you have not yet received communication from HMRC. Information is....

Coronavirus: Self Employed Income Support Scheme –  Frequently Asked Questions…     I work in construction as a subcontractor. My site is still open, and I have been informed I should be attending work. I have no underlying health issues but do not feel safe attending site. Where do I stand? There has been no....