Legal Structure
A charitable or other not-for-profit organisation may be set up in many different ways.
It is important that the legal structure that is chosen for your organisation is appropriate to its nature, aims and objectives.
We can offer advice if you are thinking of setting up a not-for-profit and would like help in deciding the most suitable legal structure to use.
Gift Aid
Gift Aid is an income tax relief that can be claimed by charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) on monetary donations given by UK-taxpaying individuals.
There are certain requirements in terms of obtaining donor declarations and record-keeping in order for Gift Aid to be claimed properly.
Various guidance can be found from the HMRC website:
We can provide advice and guidance on the practicalities of obtaining declarations, record-keeping, and claiming Gift Aid. We can also make the Gift Aid claims on your behalf.
Good governance is essential to the success and good reputation of any organisation, while poor governance can result in poor practices leading to high profile adverse events.
At Sowerby, we have a ‘Governance Health Checklist’ tool which can be tailored, and is intended for you to use to assess your effectiveness in running your organisation. This is by no means an exhaustive list of questions that trustees could ask, but it might provide a starting point on which to build and refine, according to your particular circumstances.
Risk Management
It is imperative that trustees take risk management seriously, develop a risk management policy, and review the policy and the identified risks regularly.
An effective risk management approach includes the identification of risks, an assessment of the impact should the event occur, taking steps to reduce the risk of the event’s occurrence, and finally planning how to deal with the consequences should the event occur.
We can advise in developing a tailored approach for your organisation to manage risk and help should any unidentified risk event occur.