

The Red Diesel Reform   The government is making changes to the way Red Diesel is taxed from 1st April 2022. These new restrictions will result in no tax relief for several industries meaning they can no longer use it.     What is red diesel? This is diesel that has been dyed red to....


  Late last month it was announced that MTD for income tax self-assessment (MTD ITSA) would be postponed (again) to April 2024. The most concerning part is that more people are likely to be aware for the delay than know about MTD itself. Hence why we have decided to highlight this in today’s blog.  ....

The government has announced a new zero rate of secondary Class 1 National Insurance contributions (NICs) for eligible employers on the earnings of eligible employees working in a Freeport tax site.   What is a Freeport tax site? Freeports are usually located around shipping ports, or airports. Goods that arrive into freeports from abroad are....