
Coronavirus: Self Employed Income Support Scheme Update…     HMRC has begun contacting taxpayers who may be eligible for the Self-employment Income Support Scheme (SEISS) this week. The communication received from HMRC includes instructions for when the claim portal opens.   Do not worry if you have not yet received communication from HMRC. Information is....

Coronavirus: Local Business Grants Top-Ups…   On Saturday 2nd May 2020 the government announced that a discretionary fund has been set up to accommodate certain small businesses previously outside the scope of the business grant funds scheme.   The 5% top up to the local business grant funds scheme is aimed at closing the gap....

Coronavirus: Grants available to help with costs of professional advice…     Business Support has never been more important in this turbulent time   The team at Sowerby are available to assist you in any way we can. However, for those concerned about the cost of seeking detailed advice the Humber LEP Growth hub are....

Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme Portal Open…     HMRC opened the online Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) portal this morning, suggesting that once employers have claimed HMRC will pay the claim amount by BACS into their bank account within 6 working days.   For detailed information on how to access the portal and details you....

Coronavirus: Job Retention Scheme Live Date Announced…   The Chancellor, Rishi Sunak, called on HMRC to assist with delivering financial support to businesses during the coronavirus outbreak. One of the biggest measures introduced so far is the Covid-19 Job Retention Scheme (JRS) which is scheduled to go live later this month.   HMRC have announced....

Coronavirus: Employers and Statutory Sick Pay…   We cover some of the details of the Statutory Sick Pay Rebate Scheme (SSPRS) introduced as a result of Covid-19.   When is SSP due in relation to Coronavirus? Its important to divide employees into three categories affected by coronavirus. Those unavoidably absent from work before 13 March.....

Coronavirus: Furloughing and Job Retention Scheme –  Frequently Asked Questions…   How long will the scheme run for? The intention is for the scheme to run for at least three months from 1 March 2020 but it will extended if necessary.   How do I choose which staff are going on furlough? There must be....

Coronavirus: Self Employed Income Support Scheme –  Frequently Asked Questions…     I work in construction as a subcontractor. My site is still open, and I have been informed I should be attending work. I have no underlying health issues but do not feel safe attending site. Where do I stand? There has been no....

Coronavirus: Changes to Insolvency Rules…   The government are making changes to the way formal insolvency and wrongful trading rules operate to allow businesses affected by the coronavirus crisis to continue to trade through the exceptional circumstances that they currently face.   This statement was made on 28 March but the changes will have retrospective....

Coronavirus: Funding if you are Self-Employed.. The government unveiled measures on 26 March to support the majority of self-employed workers experiencing trading difficulties due to Covid-19.  Key details of this scheme and first steps to considering whether you are eligible are included below.  Information about funding is changing rapidly and the information below is correct as at 26....