
When the UK left the European Union on 1st January 2021 it brought about a new set of tax and customs rules for businesses that trade goods or services across EU borders.   As a result, the Government announced an SME Brexit Support Fund – a new grant that established businesses in the UK can use for....

On 8th July 2020 the Chancellor, as part of his plan for jobs, introduced the Kickstart Scheme. Initially this was only being offered to larger businesses who could create a minimum of 30 jobs and since its launch in September has created over 120,000 jobs.   Earlier this month, thanks to a campaign from hundreds....

The main headlines of the Spending Review 2020- 2021 This afternoon Rishi Sunak delivered his spend review. This is an announcement about how and where public funds were going to be spent in the future.   Opening with the priority of protecting peoples lives and livelihoods, £55b has been allocated to tackling the virus outbreak....

Support grants available for closed businesses.   It’s a tough time to be in business right now, regardless of the sector, but if you operate within an industry which has been ordered to close due to local or national restrictions there is some form of financial help available. Following the announcement last night, there are....

Coronavirus: Bounce Back Loan Scheme Details…     Further details in relation to the BBLS have now been announced including a list of accredited lenders and instructions on how to apply.     Who is it for? The scheme is intended for businesses that are losing revenue and seeing disruptions in cashflow due to the....

Coronavirus: ‘Bounce Back’ Business Loan Announced…   Rishi Sunak, yesterday updated the range of loans available to businesses because of the impact of Covid-19. The newest type of loan has been named the ‘Bounce Back’ loan with it being described by The Chancellor as a “simple, quick, easy solution for those in need of smaller....